We invest in

Changing Demographics

We see inequality in healthcare

The quality of healthcare is inconsistent, with variations in treatment outcomes both between and within countries and among providers. Additionally, there are unmet patient needs due to a lack of appropriate therapeutic and diagnostic solutions, and healthcare costs are rising along with increasing, inefficient expenditure.

Key megatrends

Global and aging population growth

Current investments


Exited investments


Invest. advisory professionals


Theme lead

Tommi Unkuri

"In the early days of my business degree, I always regretted not studying medicine instead. I did not have the guts to change and follow my heart. Since then I changed my strategy to focus on the things that inspire me and that I think are really important. The strategy we deploy in healthcare at Summa makes me hope for the future. Now more than ever, we need our healthcare systems to be resilient and provide better health at a sustainable cost. Investing in companies that can help nudge our healthcare systems in the right direction is a humbling and inspiring task."

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What are the challenges?

Variable quality of care

Large variance in cancer survival rates globally, e.g. ~8x variance for stomach cancer

Unmet patient needs

¼ of all deaths are premature and more than 95% of rare disease patients lack an FDA-approved treatment

Rising healthcare costs

Costs are growing at 1–2 p.p. above GDP - 30%+ of expenditure is estimated to be waste in advanced healthcare systems

What are the solutions?

Improve disease identification, prevention and treatment

Impacted SDGs

SDG 17

Investments in this theme


Does your company solve global challenges?

Summa is always on the lookout for innovative organizations that are tackling global challenges and making a positive impact on the world. We are always interested in connecting with like-minded individuals and companies who share our passion for creating a sustainable future.