We invest to make change

Our strategy

We see an uncertain world in the light of certainties

The world faces several global challenges, like stagnating financial growth, climate change, social inequalities, and a polarized political landscape. In all this uncertainty, we chose to focus on the certainties:

The world population has hit 8 billion counting to 10 billion by 2050. We are living longer, and we will see more migration. We need new and sustainable sources of energy, and we must take better care of our resources, as well as of the planet. And finally, technical advances permeate almost all aspects of society.

We see these certainties and challenges as the best opportunities to invest in.

Investment themes

Companies that are solving some of our global challenges represent antifragility. They do well when markets are stable, but they will also often see increased demand for their services in times of crisis. We therefore focus on companies in industries supported by megatrends within four specific themes.

Our funds

We believe in the power of investing to drive positive change in the world. That’s why we focus on impact investing, directing our funds towards companies that generate financial returns, and make a measurable and meaningful impact on social and environmental issues.