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The aquaculture industry’s largest quality supplier of fish health products and services

STIM at a glance

STIM is the aquaculture industry’s largest quality supplier of fish health products and services, with several ground-breaking innovations under its belt.

STIM strives for a holistic perspective, building on the experience from vaccines and pharmaceuticals with the expertise that lies in its broad range of services in fish health services, marine environmental surveys, support for area applications and plans, as well as regulatory advice.

After 33 years side by side with the aquaculture industry, STIM is in a unique position as a supplier of both expertise, products, and services – all the way from planning to processing. STIM is established in Norway, Chile, UK, USA, Canada, Iceland, and China.

Year acquired
Aquaculture, Fish health
NOK 1,619m
Investment themes
Resource Efficiency

Impact dimensions

The challenges we face:

  • USD ~2.2b in revenue loss for salmon farmers from mortality and downgrades
  • >15% fish mortality in salmon farming
  • 4x increase in fish farmers biological cost since 2005

How does STIM help?

Reality today:

With its low carbon footprint, scalability and high feed efficiency, aquaculture is one of the key building blocks of a future sustainable food system. Yet, as a relatively young industry it also has some key challenges related to fish welfare and mortality – for instance, fish mortality in salmon farming is over 15%, a number which has been steadily increasing during recent years.

STIM approach:

For over three decades STIM has contributed to a more sustainable aquaculture industry by providing access to disease prevention and treatment, promoting sustainable farming practices, and championing transformative innovations that have improved fish health, growth, and profitability. This is supported by STIM’s strong position in all key aquaculture markets, and through its knowledgeable teams and unique cross-disciplinary competence.

Aspirational future:

STIM’s vision is an efficient and sustainable aquaculture industry where its main biological challenges are solved, and continued investments in fish health competence and new innovations are continuing to drive significant improvements in fish welfare and farming practices.

Who is impacted?

STIM ensures that salmon farmers worldwide have the required toolbox of products and services to support sustainable farming practices, ranging from disease prevention measures such as vaccines, to marine environmental surveys. In the process improving the efficiency of their farming operations, lower operating costs, and improving fish health and welfare.

What are the impact considerations?


Without STIM, salmon farmers would not have the required tools, competencies, or innovative capabilities to combat the increasing and more complex biological challenges they are currently facing. This would inadvertently lead to increased financial and operational losses, slowing the transition to a sustainable food system for the population at large.


As part of the salmon farming process takes place in the ocean, any irresponsible farming practices or use of treatment products could have unwanted and adverse effects on the surrounding ecosystems.

SDG alignments

  • Zero hunger
  • Life below water