For investors

Investing to solve global challenges


SDG aligned investments

Summa is a thematic investment manager defined by a purpose-driven team that has come together to invest in companies that address some of the global challenges we are facing today.

We focus on industries supported by megatrends within four themes: Circularity, Sustainable Food, Energy Transition and Tech-Enabled Resilience. Our portfolio companies across the four themes have the potential for long-term sustainable outperformance since they help address material social, environmental and governance challenges that we need to solve as a society.

Fund overview

Summa Equity Fund I

Summa Equity Fund I (“Fund I”) held its final close in 2017 and is a Nordic focused buyout fund. Fund I closed with commitments of SEK 4.7 bn, exceeding the initial target of SEK 3.3 bn.

The fund was amongst the first Private Equity firms to commit to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”), aligning its investment and value creation strategy with the SDG framework.

Investments are made in companies that solve global challenges, within four investment themes: Circularity, Sustainable Food, Energy Transition and Tech-Enabled Resilience. The fund is supported by close to 30 diverse institutional investors.

Summa Equity Fund II

Summa Equity Fund II (“Fund II”) held its final close in 2019 and is a Nordic focused buyout fund. Fund II closed at a hard cap with investor commitments of SEK 6.8 bn.

Fund II continued to focus on investments that are in line with United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”) framework and positioned to outperform within four investment themes: Circularity, Sustainable Food, Energy Transition and Tech-Enabled Resilience. The fund is supported by close to 35 diverse institutional investors.

Summa Equity Fund III

Summa Equity Fund III (“Fund III”) held its final close in 2022 and has a mandate to invest in Nordics and Northern Europe as a buyout and growth Article 9 fund.

The capital in Fund III expands Summa’s mission of investing to solve global challenges in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”). The fund was oversubscribed totaling EUR 2.3 bn (making it the largest European impact fund at the time of closing).

Fund III will continue to build on Summa Equity’s proven track record of incorporating the SDG framework in shaping the investment and value creation strategy to drive long-run value, focusing on thematic investments; Circularity, Sustainable Food, Energy Transition and Tech-Enabled Resilience. The fund is supported by close to 70 diverse institutional investors.

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Our investment themes

Our funds

Learn more about Summa Equity’s funds, structure, and investment mandate.

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