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Enabling precision medicine

Olink Proteomics at a glance

Olink® develops and markets its unique technology for protein analysis in human protein biomarker research. Olink’s proprietary Proximity Extension Assay (“PEA”) technology enables researchers to analyze large numbers of proteins with exceptional data quality and minimal sample consumption. This enables research previously not possible while also lowering costs. The technology drives precision medicine by improving the understanding of the interaction of proteins and human disease.

Year acquired
Investment theme
Changing Demographics

Key developments in 2023

The company experienced tremendous growth in 2023, further establishing Olink as a leader in next-generation proteomics. A number of new products and innovations were introduced into the market, including the flagship discovery product, Olink Explore HT. Launched in July, Olink Explore HT represents a significant advancement in next generation proteomics, allowing scientists to accurately measure over 5,300 proteins from as little as 2 µl of sample. The scientific impact of Olink proteomic technology continued to be demonstrated with over 440 peer reviewed publications in 2023 citing Olink technology.

What are the challenges Olink addresses

  • 80%

    of patients receive no benefit from treatment with top 10 best-selling drugs in the world

  • 9.2%

    of OECD GDP is spent on healthcare

How does Olink help?

Reality today

Scientists do not fully understand the complex biology of most human diseases – in particular the role of proteins – limiting their ability to develop effective therapeutics and delivering precision treatment.

Olink approach

Olink’s proprietary Proximity Extension Assay (PEA) technology enables researchers to efficiently analyze large numbers of proteins with high throughput analysis, advancing our understanding of protein interactions in human diseases and our ability to develop new therapies.

Aspirational future

Deeper understanding of human biology and disease allows us to develop and deliver the most effective treatments for patients.

Who is impacted?

Researchers are impacted directly through more effective tools to understand human biology. Patients are impacted indirectly by scientific breakthroughs in treatments resulting from research using Olink technology.


By providing a truly unique technology to the market, Olink makes a major contribution to the research enabling advancements in precision medicine.


Olink’s impact depends in part on how its customers in academia and biopharma choose to use its tools. The company benefits from engaging with customers to help ensure that the research it enables translates into treatment innovations and, eventually, patient outcomes.

SDG alignments

  • Good health

KPI reporting

Number of publications

Change from '22-'23: 32%


Number of publications measures the total quantity of research articles, papers, or other publications produced using Olink’s technology.

Total number of customer accounts served since inception

Change from '22-'23: 14%


Customer accounts served measures the ­ number of customers enabled to efficiently ­ analyze and understand large numbers of proteins.